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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Richardson Campaign Statement on Senator Biden's Comment on Iraq

For Immediate Release
November 8, 2007
Contact: Tom Reynolds

SANTA FE, NM-- Tom Reynolds, National Press Secretary for the Richardson for President campaign, today issued the following statement on Senator Joe Biden's attack on Governor Richardson and his comment that "you can't get the forces" out of Iraq:

"With all due respect to Senator Biden, we can get the troops out of Iraq. In fact, the only way to actually end the war is to get all of the troops out. Governor Richardson has been consistent from the beginning of this campaign in his call to get all of the troops out of Iraq and leave behind no residual forces. Governor Richardson has been leading on this issue. I encourage Senator Biden to look it up.

"It is disappointing that Senator Biden does not think that we can get our troops out of Iraq. It is disappointing that he does not seem to think that we can end this war. Governor Richardson has been the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. He is an expert on these issues. He consistently has said that our only option is to get all of our troops out and leave behind no residual forces. Military experts, including Generals William Odom, John Johns, Robert Gard, and Volney Warner, agree with Governor Richardson. So do the American people."