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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hillary In The Headlights

From New York Post

November 15, 2007

Hillary Clinton certainly knows how to read the polls - especially ones showing overwhelming public opposition to Gov. Spitzer's now-aborted plan to let illegal aliens get driver's licenses. ...

But that's not what she's been saying.

In fact, it comes just two weeks after her campaign declared that "Sen. Clinton supports governors like Gov. Spitzer who believe they need such a measure to deal with the crisis caused by this administration's failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform." ...

In fact, it has never been all that easy, given her public statements, to figure out exactly where Clinton stood on this contentious issue. ...

Not until the last Democratic debate, on Oct. 30, was she forced to speak to the issue directly. And when she did, she gave several different answers - each more confusing than the last. ...

[H]illary responded the best way she knows how: by accusing her rivals - and debate moderator Tim Russert - of "piling on" against her because she's a woman. ...

Not until Eliot Spitzer pulled the plug yesterday was Hillary ready to say what she really thought - yesterday, anyway.

So, let us be clear, even if the senator can't be: Hillary Clinton lacks principles. ...

[W]hen things don't go according to the neat little script that Team Clinton has crafted for this campaign, watch out - the candidate simply unravels. ...

If Hillary Clinton can't even cope with a relatively simple challenge - answering a tough question at a campaign debate without panicking and losing her cool - how on earth does she hope to deal with people like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korea's Kim Jong-Il?

Accusing Iran of leading a global pile-on against her sure won't solve the problem.

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