The Daily Flipper
Read what the Republicans Wish You Wouldn’t …
TOP HEADLINE: Apparently Kerik-Gate Has Taught Them Nothing. . .Loyalty Trumps All in
In the
They are barely known outside of
Some held powerful jobs in city government and were mocked in
Their connection to him is anchored in the premise that mutual loyalty and longtime ties trump all else. Giuliani has performed their weddings and been the first to greet their babies at the hospital. They stood in for him at funerals in the horrific days after the
In the former
Giuliani Can Win In Blue States! That Is, If His Friends Can Rig the Election. . .
California Democrats mobilized against the initiative, arguing the entire affair is a backdoor effort by Giuliani supporters to improve their candidate’s chances of winning.
Giuliani, a former
Paul Singer, a New York-based Giuliani policy adviser and fundraiser, donated $175,000 to underwrite early signature gathering for the Electoral College initiative. And Anne Dunsmore, formerly a deputy campaign manager for Giuliani, now works for a group backing the initiative, California Counts — Make Your Vote Count! Another leading backer of the initiative e-mailed Giuliani’s supporters, soliciting signatures to qualify it for the ballot.
Abandon Ship! Top Romney Fundraiser Calls it Quits
One of Mitt Romney’s top financial aides is stepping down just seven weeks before the voting begins, but the campaign says Ben Godley will continue in an advisory capacity and never made more than a one-year commitment to the Republican contender.
Godley previously handled personnel matters when Romney was governor of
Godley has since worked beside Spencer Zwick, another former State House aide who now serves as the Romney committee’s national finance director.
Romney A Little Bit Country? Are the Osmonds On the Mitt Bandwagon?
Now and Then: Mitt Romney’s Evolution on Immigration
As a presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has made a big political issue out of his opposition to illegal immigration, lambasting Democratic and Republican rivals alike for failing to crack down on the phenomenon. He has accused Rudy Giuliani of allowing
"Sanctuary cities" are certainly on Romney's mind these days. But he did not take any action to penalize towns in
"We never heard from him on this issue," the mayor of Somerville, Joseph Curtatone, told me yesterday, when I called him to check up on what Romney had actually done against "sanctuary cities" as governor. "I never heard him talk about 'sanctuary cities,' until now. As far as I know, he never took a position on this."
Mitt Romney’s All-Over-The-Map Policy Positions Could Cost Him at the Polls
His second problem is his shift on social policy.
Once he was pro-choice, now he's anti-abortion. In 1994, while running for
"If we are to achieve the goals we share," he told Log Cabin Republicans, "we must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern. My opponent cannot do this. I can and will."
His opponent was Edward Kennedy. It prompted Fred Thompson to quip during a recent Republican debate: "Actually, Mitt, I didn't know there was any room to the left of Ted Kennedy."
Today Mr. Romney claims to represent "the Republican wing of the Republican Party," espousing a conservatism purer, he maintains, than any of his major rivals.
His answers to questions about his flip-flops have a disingenuous ring. For example, when asked during an interview on NBC about his switch on gay rights, Mr. Romney replied: "At that time, people weren't talking about gay marriage and civil unions. So I've always opposed gay marriage. But at the same time, I don't discriminate against people."
Chalk Off Another One. . . Romney Flips Adoption Stance
Mitt Romney made adoption promotion a part of his presidential campaign last week with a stop at a
Adoption advocates in
Amy Cohen, a social worker and the head of the Adoption Professional Association of Massachusetts, agreed. “I would not believe him when he says that he cares about adoption, given his behavior. And I think behavior speaks louder than words.”
The behavior: As governor, Romney pocket-vetoed two significant pieces of legislation highly popular with adoption advocates. His term expired earlier this year and he left the bills unsigned on his desk.
Thompson’s Solution For
Why did
Why is
"Our military is simply too small."
So says former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson, who is running hard to displace former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as the Dr. Strangelove of 2008 Republican presidential race.
NOTE: The Wars in
Democratic Party members say the bill for the wars stands at about $US20,000 for each American family.
The Republican Party is yet to respond to the figures, but the chairman of the joint economic committee of Congress, Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, says the costs are a big burden for families.
"The cost of the war is becoming the $800 billion gorilla in the room when it comes to opposition to the war," he said.
Giuliani Finds Another Place He Isn’t Welcome In
After speaking briefly at a restaurant, Giuliani walked outside and decided to see the neighborhood. So he took a peek next door at a
local business and decided to poke his head in, as he does sometimes on the trail. Apparently, he didn't know that Curves is a gym for women.
He saw one woman in a sweatsuit on an aerobic machine, said hello and quickly walked out to his waiting car.
They Really Want to Keep This Story Going? McCain Camp Goes After CNN For Covering Supporter Calling
The camp of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) hoped to capitalize Wednesday on what it says was a biased report on CNN about a campaign event at which a McCain supporter referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as “the bitch.”
Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign manager, said in an e-mail to supporters that CNN owes the Arizona Republican an apology for its reporting of the story.
The campaign laments that CNN portrayed the event as though McCain did not defend
“The CNN Network, affectionately known as the Clinton News Network, has stooped to an all-time low and is gratuitously attacking John McCain for not sufficiently defending Hillary Clinton enough when a South Carolina voter used the 'B' word to describe her when John McCain stopped into a luncheon yesterday at the Trinity restaurant in Hilton Head, S.C.,” Davis said in his e-mail.
Fred Thompson Not The 100% Pro-Lifer You Knew and Loved
It is interesting that the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) has chosen to endorse Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson, a man who once offered legal advice to a pro-choice group, voted against key pro-life issues in the Senate and now espouses convoluted reasons for rejecting constitutional protection of the unborn.
In 1991, Mr. Thompson served as the White House liaison for the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, a pro-choice group that lobbied former President George H.W. Bush to overturn a ban put in place by the Reagan administration preventing the government from funding family planning clinics providing abortion information.
Mr. Thompson, who was a lobbyist working at a prominent
Recently, Mr. Thompson refused to support a constitutional amendment that would protect innocent life by restricting the availability of abortions. The sanctity-of-life amendment was a core plank in the Republican Party's 2004 election platform, and yet Mr. Thompson said he could not support it, saying his objection stems from his federalist views.
The Daily Flipper is distributed by the DNC Research Department.