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Thursday, November 29, 2007

In Case You Missed It: Same Old Bill

Same Old Bill

From New York Post Editorial November 29, 2007

Bill Clinton has always been a stranger to the truth, but is it possible that he's never heard of Google? Apparently. How else to explain his ridiculous claim - while campaigning for Hillary out in Iowa - that he "opposed [the] Iraq [war] from the beginning"? ... Indeed, the former president boasted in a June 2004 interview with Time magazine: "I have repeatedly defended President Bush against the left on Iraq." For the record, then, here's what Clinton really had to say about the Iraq war. "We've got the power, we've got the juice. We should do the job," he told students at the University of Florida in an April 2003 speech. Later that month, Clinton declared in St. Louis: "Saddam is gone and good riddance" - adding: "Bush has done the right thing in removing Saddam Hussein from power." ... Clinton's aides now insist that he really did oppose the war - his public statements notwithstanding - but considered it inappropriate to publicly go against a sitting president. So why not just keep his mouth shut? ...

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