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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Statement by Communications Director Todd Harris

CONTACT: Press Office
November 28, 2007

Statement by Communications Director Todd Harris

McLean, VA -Thompson for President Communications Director Todd Harris released the following statement on tonight's debate:

"During a night of bizarre videos and personal attacks, there was only one leader on the stage tonight talking about the real issues facing our nation and that was Fred Thompson.

"While Mitt Romney was running away from his record, and Mike Huckabee was distorting his liberal tax and spend record, Fred Thompson talked about saving and protecting Social Security, cutting taxes for all Americans, ending illegal immigration, staying in Iraq until the job is done and protecting America's national security.

"Some of the other candidates may be louder than Fred Thompson, they may be more slick, they may have more positions on any one issue and they certainly may be more liberal, but only Fred Thompson showed himself tonight to be the one conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton."

Paid for by Friends of Fred Thompson, Inc.