For Immediate Release
Contact: Maria Comella
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches New Television Ad in New Hampshire
New York City - The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced the launch of a new television ad, entitled “Holiday Wishes.” The ad begins airing tomorrow in New Hampshire.
Visit to view the ad. The script is below.
Script for “Holiday Wishes”:
MAYOR GIULIANI: “There are many things I wish for this holiday season. I wish for peace with strength. Secure borders. A government that spends less than it takes in. Lower taxes for our businesses and families. And I really hope, that all of the presidential candidates can just get along.
SANTA CLAUS: “Ho, ho, ho, ho. I was with you right up until that last one. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.”
MAYOR GIULIANI: “Can’t have everything! I’m Rudy Giuliani and I approved this message. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!”
Paid for by the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Inc. © 2006-2007
“Holiday Wishes”
Mayor Giuliani: “There are many things I wish for this holiday season. I wish for peace with strength.”
Mayor Giuliani Believes American Needs To Achieve Peace Through Strength By Remaining On Offense In Terrorists War Against Us And Expanding The Military. Giuliani: “We need to stay on offense in this Terrorist War against Us, achieving peace through strength, that’s the only way you achieve peace, through great strength, by being on offense, by being strong, by being confident, by having a military that we expand, not contract.” (Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Remarks, Tampa, FL, 12/15/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “A Realistic Peace Can Only Be Achieved Through Strength.” (Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Op-Ed, “Toward A Realistic Peace,” Foreign Affairs, 9/07)
As Part Of His 12 Commitments To The American People, Giuliani “Will Keep America On The Offense In The Terrorists’ War On Us.” (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/18/07)
As President Rudy Giuliani’s Goal Will Be To Kill Or Capture The Al-Qaeda Leadership, Destroy The Capabilities Of The Group, And Discredit Its Radical Ideology. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/18/07)
A Giuliani Administration Will Support Important Tools Like The PATRIOT ACT And FISA, And Will Work Together With Congress To Improve Our Ability To Stop Terrorists At Home – Without Compromising The Rights Of U.S. Citizens. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/18/07)
As President, Rudy Giuliani Will Ensure That Our Military Has All The Forces, Tools, Skills, And Technologies It Needs To Defeat The Terrorists And Address Other Future Threats. He will add at least 10 new combat brigades to the Army and will expand our Navy to more than 300 ships. He will ensure that the Air Force has the new refueling tankers it needs, and will build a new long range bomber to replace the B-52. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/18/07)
A Giuliani Administration Will Revitalize And Refocus The Intelligence Community To Produce Solid Human Intelligence On Terrorist Groups And Activities. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/18/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “Secure borders.”
As One Of Mayor Giuliani’s 12 Commitments To The American People, He “Will End Illegal Immigration, Secure Our Borders, And Identify Every Non-Citizen In Our Nation.” (Rudy Giuliani For President, Press Release, 8/14/07)
Mayor Giuliani Believes Ending Illegal Immigration Will Help Regain The Faith Of The American People. “Real immigration reform must put security first because border security and homeland security are inseparable in the Terrorists’ War on Us. The first responsibility of the federal government is to protect our citizens by controlling America’s borders, while ending illegal immigration and identifying every non-citizen in our nation. We must restore integrity, accountability and the rule of law to our immigration system to regain the faith of the American people.” (Rudy Giuliani For President, Press Release, 8/14/07)
Mayor Giuliani Is Calling For Physical And Technological Fences To Be Built Along Border. Giuliani: “So everything else has to kind of serve that purpose. A fence — a physical fence — very effective. A technological fence, in certain places [will be] very, very effective; meaning, photographic technology, heat sensing technology, different kinds of technology, all toward the goal of identifying everyone coming in to the United States.” (Rudy Giuliani, Interview With John Fleischman, 3/26/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “We Have To Beef Up Border Security … We Have To Have A Much Larger Border Patrol And They Have To Be Trained In Being Able To Stop People.” (Rudy Giuliani, Interview With WOC Radio, Davenport, IA, 6/4/07)
Giuliani Will Propose BorderStat To Bring Accountability To Measuring The Progress In Securing Our Borders. BorderStat is modeled after the Mayor's successful New York City program CompStat which helped reduce the city's crime by imposing accountability. It will use key indicators to identify both effective enforcement strategies that demonstrate tangible results and areas of the border where we are failing so the failures can be immediately corrected. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/11/07)
Giuliani Will Issue A Single, Tamper-Proof Biometric ID Card For All Non-Citizens. Rudy will propose the Secure Authorized Foreign Entry Card (SAFE Card) to be uniform for all non-citizen workers and students, utilizing tamper-proof and biometric features for secure identification. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 12/11/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “A government that spends less than it takes in.”
Mayor Giuliani: “All Spending Is Discretionary. Read The Constitution. Congress Has To Appropriate It; The President Has To Sign It. All Spending Is Discretionary And It Has To Be Looked At From The Point Of View Of, Can We Afford It Now? Is It Appropriate To Pass It On To The Next Generation? This Is What I Did In New York City. I Restored Fiscal Discipline …” (Mayor Giuliani, Remarks On His 12 Commitments To The American People, Bedford, NH, 6/12/07)
As President, Giuliani Will Reduce The Federal Civilian Workforce By 20% Through Attrition And Retirement: Within The Next Decade, 42% Of The Federal Civilian Workforce - Some 300,000 Bureaucrats - Will Retire. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website, Accessed 11/19/07)
A President Giuliani Will Require Agencies To Identify At Least 5% To 20% In Spending Reductions. Requiring agency heads to identify savings and increased efficiencies in each annual budget - as Rudy Giuliani did as Mayor - is a management tool that will lead to constant streamlining and more cost-effective government spending without compromising national security in the search for savings. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website, Accessed 11/19/07)
Use GAPStat to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Federal Agencies & Eliminate Wasteful Spending. Rudy's plan establishes a Government-wide Accountability Program ["GAPStat"] based on New York's successful CompStat program to better evaluate each agency, analyze the effectiveness of Federal programs, and identify those that are wasteful, failing or duplicative. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website, Accessed 11/19/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “Lower taxes for our businesses and families.”
Giuliani Will Cut Taxes As President. Giuliani: “I've seen how pro-growth policies lead to broader prosperity. We'll not only keep the current tax cuts in place or their equivalent, we’ll enact additional tax relief and give the Death Tax the death penalty. High tax rates hurt business and destroy jobs. I know that tax cuts are good for the economy. It's not just theory for me because I cut taxes and got results as Mayor of New York City. As President, I will cut taxes further.” (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 11/19/07)
A President Giuliani Will Permanently Lower Marginal Rates To Current Level And Possibly Further. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 11/19/07)
Giuliani Will Commit To Ending The Death Tax So Wealth Passed On To Future Generations Is Not Subject To This Punitive Tax While Preventing Double Taxation. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 11/19/07)
Rudy Will Commit To Preventing The American Public From Facing A $3 Trillion Or More Tax IncreaseOver The Next 10 Years By Making The Current Tax Provisions – Like The Marriage Penalty Relief And Child Tax Credit – Permanent And Reining In The Growth Of The Alternative Minimum Tax. (Rudy Giuliani For President Website,, Accessed 11/19/07)
Mayor Giuliani: “And I really hope, that all of the presidential candidates can just get along.”
Santa Claus: “Ho, ho, ho, ho. I was with you right up until that last one. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.”
Mayor Giuliani: “Can’t have everything! I’m Rudy Giuliani and I approved this message. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!”
Mayor Giuliani: President Reagan “Used To Have An 11th Commandment, That Was Thou Shall Not Attack Another Republican. I'm Going To Try To Follow That Commandment As Much As I Can.” (Philip Elliott, “Giuliani Invoking Reagan On The Campaign Trail,” The Associated Press, 10/14/07)
Giuliani: “If You Watched My Campaign All Throughout, I Have Never Attacked Another Republican. I Have Said I Follow The 11th Amendment. The Only Time It Might Appear That Way Is If Somebody Attacks Me. Then I Have To Answer.” (Fox News’ “Hannity & Colmes,” 12/17/07)
Paid for by the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Inc © 2006-2007
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
GIULIANI: Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches New Television Ad in New Hampshire
Posted by
political junkie
7:43 AM
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