CONTACT: Jeff Sadosky
December 19, 2007
Fred Thompson Announces Statewide Leadership Team In Iowa
Congressman Steve King to Chair Strong Iowa Organization
McLean, VA - Today the Fred Thompson campaign announced its Iowa State Chair and members of its Statewide Legislative Leadership Team. The team is made up of leading conservative legislators from around the state. U.S. Congressman Steve King, representing Iowa's 5th District, will serve as State Chairman of Thompson's Iowa campaign. State Representative Kraig Paulsen and State Representative Sandy Greiner will serve as State Co-Chairs.
"I compared each of the Republican candidates, and after careful consideration, I support Fred Thompson as America's next President," said Congressman King. "Fred Thompson has the sound judgment to appoint our nation's next Supreme Court justices, who will make important rulings that affect the destiny of America. I trust Fred to rebuild our national sovereignty by securing the border and restoring the central pillar of American exceptionalism - the rule of law."
Congressman King served in the Iowa State Senate for six years where he assumed roles as Chairman of the State Government Committee and Vice Chairman of the Oversight Budget Subcommittee. Elected to Congress in 2002 to represent Iowa's fifth district, Congressman King currently serves on the House Agriculture Committee, House Small Business Committee and House Judiciary Committee, where he sits on the Constitution Subcommittee and is the top Republican on the Immigration Subcommittee.
State Representative Kraig Paulsen is currently in his third term in the Iowa House of Representatives and is the House Republican Whip. Since being elected in 2002, Representative Paulsen has championed Association Health Care Plans for small businesses in Iowa and has fought for tax relief. He is a current member of the Commerce, Judiciary and Legislative Council Committees. Representative Paulsen is a former Air Force Officer and also an attorney.
"I've met all of the Republican contenders and I'm most excited about Fred Thompson," said Representative Paulsen. "I believe he can win the nomination. He's no-nonsense and would do an outstanding job leading this nation."
First elected to the Iowa Legislature in 1992, Representative Sandy Greiner has served on a variety of committees the past fifteen years, most recently on the State Government Committee, the Environmental Protection committee, and the Agriculture Committee. Last year she was named Legislator of the Year by the Iowa Agribusiness Association.
"I've studied Fred's positions carefully, and I believe he is well qualified to lead our country," said Representative Greiner. "I'm supporting Fred Thompson because he did not establish his conservative credentials recently. He's always been conservative and has a record to prove it."
"We are honored to have the support of these leading conservatives in Iowa," said Robert Haus, Executive Director of Fred Thompson's Iowa campaign. "These are leaders in our party, leaders in the conservative movement, and leaders who have proven track records, just like Senator Thompson."
Fred Thompson's Iowa Statewide Legislative Leadership team includes:
U.S. Congressman Steve King, State Chair
State Representative Kraig Paulsen, Co-Chair
State Representative Sandy Greiner, Co-Chair
State Representative Clel Baudler
Former State Senator Bob Brunkhorst
State Representative Royd Chambers
State Representative Jeff Kaufmann
State Representative Jamie Van Fossen
Paid for by Friends of Fred Thompson, Inc.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
THOMPSON: Fred Thompson Announces Statewide Leadership Team In Iowa
Posted by
political junkie
7:51 AM
Labels: Friends of Fred Thompson, Organization
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