Kucinich 'Peace Train' set to whistle through California next week
For Immediate Release - December 17, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - U. S. Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich will be riding a "Peace Train" through Western California with his wife Elizabeth and dozens of special guests and supporters, making numerous stops along the way for political rallies and campaign events.
The unprecedented whistle-stop tour will begin Thursday evening, December 20, with a special Town Hall gathering and fundraiser hosted by Elizabeth Kucinich at Mendocino Community College in Ukiah. Kucinich, the leading progressive candidate in the Presidential race, will join the event via a live video feed.
On Friday evening, December 21, there will be a big "Peace Train" Kick-Off Rally in San Francisco with Elizabeth Kucinich and well-known supporters of the campaign, including John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation; political author and scholar Michael Parenti; Medea Benjamin from Code Pink; news anchor and talk show host Bree Walker; and peace activist Cindy Sheehan. The Congressman will be arriving in San Francisco that night.
Kucinich, his wife and their supporters will board the "Peace Train" (regularly known as Amtrak's "Coast Starlight") at Jack London Square Station in Oakland on Saturday morning, December 22, and arrive mid-afternoon in San Luis Obispo, where they will disembark and attend a rally and fundraising dinner, both open to the public. The following morning, December 23, it's all aboard once again in San Luis Obispo, as the "Peace Train" travels to Union Station in Los Angeles and a Peace Rally nearby at Placita de Dolores.
"I'm very excited about the great opportunities Elizabeth and I will have to be with thousands of supporters while traveling on the 'Peace Train' through California this weekend," said Rep. Kucinich. "With the February 5 Democratic primary here just a few weeks away, I'm looking forward to talking about my universal, not-for-profit health insurance plan, and my positions on Iraq, Iran, impeachment, the Patriot Act, NAFTA and other crucial issues facing the United States."
Kucinich recently swept 47 of 50 states in the online Democracy for America poll, topped all other Democrats in the Progressive Democrats of America poll, and was the runaway winner in a poll by one of the nation's leading political publications, The Nation. In some national and key- state polls, his numbers are higher than senators Biden and Dodd, virtually tied with Governor Richardson in some polls, and trailing a few points behind former Senator Edwards.
"Dennis Kucinich is the people's candidate and the 'Peace Train' brings his campaign directly to the people. It's a great way for his supporters to come out and express their enthusiasm for both the candidate and his clear and consistent stand on peace," remarked Jeeni Criscenzo, California State coordinator for Kucinich.
Public schedule for the Kucinich for President 2008 "Peace Train" is as follows:
Thursday, December 20
7 PM—Town Hall Meeting and Fundraiser with Elizabeth Kucinich @ Mendocino Community College, 1000 Hensley Creek Rd., Ukiah CA
Friday, December 21
Noon—Fundraiser with Elizabeth Kucinich and guest Norman Solomon @ Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris St., Sebastopol CA
7 PM—"Peace Train" Kick-Off Rally with Elizabeth Kucinich and numerous special guests, including John Nichols, Michael Parenti and Cindy Sheehan @ First Unitarian Universalist Church and Center, 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco CA
Saturday, December 22
7:30 AM—Breakfast Send-Off with Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich @ Jack London Square Station, Oakland CA
8:50 AM—"Peace Train" departs Jack London Square Station, Oakland CA. This train will make short scheduled stops in San Jose (9:55 AM), Salinas (11:48 AM) and Paso Robles (1:38 PM). Supporters will greet the Kuciniches and company at each of the stations. Arrival times may vary from schedule.
3:20 PM—"Peace Train" arrives at San Luis Obispo Station.
4 PM—Peace Rally in Mitchell Park, San Luis Obispo CA
5 PM—Spaghetti Dinner and Fundraiser at Odd Fellows Hall, San Luis Obispo CA
Sunday, December 23
6:45 AM—"Peace Train" departs from San Luis Obispo Station. This train will make short scheduled stops in Grover Beach (7:05 AM), Guadalupe-Santa Maria (7:21 AM), Lompoc-Surf (7:55 AM), Goleta (9:03 AM), Santa Barbara (9:21 AM), Carpinteria (9:37 AM), Ventura (9:58 AM), Oxnard (10:12 AM), Camarillo (10:23 AM), Simi Valley (10:51 AM), Chatsworth (11:03 AM), Van Nuys (11:18 AM), Burbank Airport (11:27 AM) and Glendale (11:39 AM).
12:10 PM—"Peace Train" arrives in Los Angeles at Union Station
12:30 PM—Peace Rally at Placita de Dolores, across from Union Station
3 PM—"Peace Train" continues on with supporters all aboard (the Kuciniches will heading back East) on Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner 580, departing from Union Station, Los Angeles CA. This train will make short scheduled stops in Fullerton (3:32 PM), Anaheim (3:41 PM), Santa Ana (3:50 PM), Irvine (4:04 PM) and San Juan Capistrano (4:18 PM).
4:53 PM—"Peace Train" arrives at the Oceanside Transit Center
6 PM—Holiday Peace on Earth Celebration @ Oceanside Library Community Room, 330 North Coast Highway, Oceanide CA.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
KUCINICH: Kucinich 'Peace Train' set to whistle through California next week
Posted by
political junkie
4:09 PM
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