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Friday, December 7, 2007


Olivia Alair
Mark Paustenbach

Des Moines, IA (December 7, 2007) – Following reports that Gov. Richardson is "asking governmental appointees and other state employees to volunteer to help his campaign by traveling to Iowa before the Jan. 3 leadoff presidential contest," and that Sen. Obama is encouraging out of state college students to "come back and caucus," the Biden for President campaign today called on Richardson and Obama to join the rest of the Democratic field in pledging to refrain from shipping in supporters to affect the outcome of the caucuses. [Associated Press, 12/6/07], [Associated Press, 12/5/07]

"Historically, the Iowa caucuses have been critical in leveling the playing field by producing viable candidates based on the strength of their ideas and character - because that's precisely what's needed to ensure a Democratic victory in the general election," said Biden for President Communications Director Larry Rasky. "The absurd amount of money we've seen in this race already endangers this tradition and mocks our values as Democrats. Gov. Richardson and Sen. Obama have a responsibility to place the people of Iowa before their personal ambitions and pledge not to tamper with the caucuses that will largely determine who is best equipped to tackle both the Republican nominee as well as the challenges before our country."

"While the rest of the Democratic field has pledged not to engage in tactics that would unfairly affect the outcome of the Iowa caucuses, Gov. Richardson still refuses to sign on and Sen. Obama has paid no more than lip service to the timely call by the Dodd campaign for all the candidates to pledge to keep their out-of-state supporters on the sidelines. Given Illinois’s proximity to Iowa and their claims of changing the nature of politics, the Obama campaign should have been leading this effort," said Rasky. "But the evidence is pointing in the opposite direction."

2004 Caucus Candidates Signed Pledge to “Uphold the Integrity of the Iowa Caucuses. The Associated Press reported, “State election officials and Iowa Democratic Party officials say the thousands of campaign volunteers that have descended on the state won't hurt the integrity of the Iowa Caucuses. … [Iowa Secretary of State Chet] Culver said each campaign also has signed a pledge to uphold the integrity of the caucuses. ‘We trust that each campaign will honor this pledge,’ he said.” [Associated Press, 1/15/04]
Biden Campaign Signed Pledge that Out of State Staff and Volunteers will not Participate in Iowa Caucus. On November 8, 2007, the Dodd campaign released a letter to the each Iowa State Director asking them to “ensure a fair caucus process and maintain the integrity of Iowa’s first in the nation caucus, pledge that no campaign staff or out-of-state volunteers will be allowed to caucus or be counted as a caucus-goer on January 3rd.” On November 13, 2007, the Dodd Iowa State Director Julie Andreeff said, “I appreciate that the campaign of Senator Biden [has] … joined us in making the commitment to protect the integrity of the Iowa Caucuses and ensure that they truly belong to Iowans.” [Dodd Letter to Iowa State Directors, 11/8/07; Dodd Press Release, 11/13/07]

Richardson Only Candidate to Refuse to Sign Pledge to Discourage Out-of-State Voters from Caucusing in Iowa. According to The Des Moines Register, “All of the Democrats or their staffs except for New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson have agreed to abide by the pledge. [to discourage out of state staffers or volunteers from participating in the caucuses].” [Des Moines Register, 12/1/07]

Richardson Spokesman Claimed Campaign Will “Abide to the Letter and the Spirit of the Law,” But Refuses to Sign Pledge. The Des Moines Register reported “Tom Reynolds, a spokesman for Richardson's campaign, said Friday the campaign feared that such a pledge would prohibit or discourage longtime Iowa residents hired by the campaign from participating. The campaign will not tolerate or endorse out-of-state residents who volunteer or work for the campaign to attempt to caucus, he said. In addition, Reynolds said Richardson's Iowa staff has not and will not encourage out-of-state students to return to Iowa early to caucus, saying the campaign is ‘going to abide to the letter and the spirit of the law. I think the spirit of the law is what's most important,’ Reynolds said. [Des Moines Register, 12/1/07]

Obama Told Students “Come Back and Caucus.” According to the Associated Press, “Obama also made a late evening appearance at the University of Iowa, where he told more than 2,000 students that ‘if you're going to be out of state, I want you to come back and caucus.’” [Associated Press, 12/5/07]

Obama Campaign Encouraging Out-of-State Students to “Come Back for the Iowa Caucus.” The Des Moines Register reported, “A Barack Obama campaign brochure is directing out-of-state college students who may be on holiday break to ‘come back for the Iowa caucus and caucus in your college neighborhood.’” [Des Moines Register, 12/1/07]

“Richardson Asking State Workers to Pack Bags, Volunteer For His Presidential Campaign.” The Associated Press reported that the “two-term governor is asking governmental appointees and other state employees to volunteer to help his campaign by traveling to Iowa before the Jan. 3 leadoff presidential contest. Several of the governor's top administrators already have hit the campaign trail in Iowa and New Hampshire. Others plan to be in Iowa for the critical final days before the caucus.” [Associated Press, 12/6/07]


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