December 10, 2007
Colleen Murray
Edwards delivers new remarks at launch of eight-day “Main Street Express” bus tour across Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa – Today, as the campaign kicked-off its “Main Street Express” bus tour in Des Moines, Senator John Edwards delivered new remarks relating the challenges and triumphs of his own life to those the country faces right now, and made the case that in the face of powerful interests holding the country back, we will right the wrongs and make our nation the way we want it to be. During the eight-day tour, Edwards will discuss his plans to stand up to the special interests on Wall Street and help hard-working families on Main Street.
“I grew up in a family where my grandmother walked to work at the mill every day wearing her apron,” Edwards said. “My grandfather, who was partially paralyzed, hauled rolls of cloth using one arm. My dad worked in those mills for 36 years, my mom worked too – all of them for one reason – to give us a chance to rise up and have a better life.
“That’s the greatness of America – the promise that every generation will give its children the chance to rise higher, dream bigger, live greater,” Edwards continued. “I took the chances my parents gave me and spent my life fighting to make sure that people just like the people I grew up with had a real chance in the world.
“And that’s what drives me now. When I talk about the Two Americas, this is what I mean – the very wealthiest and most powerful have manipulated our government for their own ends. They use their wealth and their power to keep themselves wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. And when they do that, they’re holding America back.
“But that’s about to change. You can feel it here in Iowa. Because America can’t be held back. Because America belongs to us. When we face obstacles, you know what we do? We get up. We rise up. We right wrongs and we make our nation the way we want it to be. That’s what’s happening in this election. That’s what’s happening here in Iowa. That’s America Rising.”
Tuesday, the “Main Street Express” makes stops in Clinton, Davenport and Muscatine. Wednesday, Edwards will hold events in Iowa City, Grinnell and then back in Des Monies. Thursday, he’ll participate in the Des Moines Register Presidential Debate in Johnston, Iowa, followed with a community meeting in Indianola. On Friday, the “Main Street Express” stops in Manchester and Elkader, and on Saturday, in Dubuque, Cedar Falls and Mason City. Sunday and Monday, Edwards will hold community meetings in Ames, Colfax, Ottumwa, Fairfield and Cedar Rapids.
Edwards has outlined a clear vision for America with bold plans to help middle-class and working families achieve the American Dream. From guaranteeing universal health care to revitalizing rural communities and making sure trade policies help, not hurt, workers, Edwards has proposed specific ideas to build One America, where all Americans can get ahead. Edwards has laid out his plans in an 80-page book, “The Plan to Build One America,” which allows caucus goers to learn more about his ideas and find out exactly where he stands on the important issues facing our country.
Edwards will be joined during portions of the trip by acclaimed actors Tim Robbins and Kevin Bacon. Robbins will join Edwards on Wednesday and Bacon will join Edwards and perform at events on Saturday and on Sunday in Ames.
For a complete list of events, please visit
Excerpts from Edwards’ prepared remarks are included below.
DECEMBER 10, 2007
“I grew up in a family where my grandmother walked to work at the mill every day wearing her apron. My grandfather, who was partially paralyzed, hauled rolls of cloth using one arm. My dad worked in those mills for 36 years, my mom worked too – all of them for one reason – to give us a chance to rise up and have a better life.
“That’s the greatness of America – the promise that every generation will give its children the chance to rise higher, dream bigger, live greater. I took the chances my parents gave me and spent my life fighting to make sure that people just like the people I grew up with had a real chance in the world. When indifferent, irresponsible corporations knocked them down, I was there to help them rise up.
“And that’s what drives me now. When I talk about the Two Americas, this is what I mean – the very wealthiest and most powerful have manipulated our government for their own ends. They use their wealth and their power to keep themselves wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. And when they do that, they’re holding America back.
“But that’s about to change. You can feel it here in Iowa. Because America can’t be held back. Because America belongs to us.
“When we face obstacles, you know what we do? We get up. We rise up. We right wrongs and we make our nation the way we want it to be. That’s what’s happening in this election. That’s what’s happening here in Iowa. America is rising.
“When we lift 37 million Americans out of poverty – that’s America Rising. When we guarantee universal health care for every man, woman, and child in America – that’s America Rising. When we stop reckless trade deals that send American jobs overseas and create great jobs here – that’s America Rising. When we can look James Lowe in the eye and say with conviction, what you lived through will never happen again in our America – that’s America Rising.”
Paid for by John Edwards for President.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Posted by
political junkie
8:53 AM
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