Campaign spam: Political flotsam and jetsam that pollutes email in boxes; of varying degrees of utility, often futility. If you have campaign spam or an actual thought to share, send it to campaignspam [at]

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

CLINTON: New Ad: Hillary Has a Present for You

Complete with festive holiday wrapping, the Hillary for President campaign today launched a new ad entitled “Presents” in New Hampshire and Iowa today.

Watch the ad here:

Following is the script for the ad.

TV: 30

“Carol of the Bells” is playing while hands are cutting wrapping paper and placing cards on gifts. The cards are labeled “Universal Health Care,” “Energy Independence,” and “Bringing Our Troops Home”

Hillary Clinton:
Where did I put universal pre-K?

Hillary Clinton:
Ah, There it is.

I'm Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.

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