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Thursday, December 20, 2007

RNC Research Dept.: Clinton Campaign Apologies

As of late, the Clinton campaign appears to be on track to catch the Edwards campaign in the apology category. Developing…



Sen. Clinton Supporter, Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE), Apologized For Comments Made About Sen. Obama:

“Former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey Has Apologized To Barack Obama For Any Unintentional Insult He Committed By Raising The Democratic Presidential Candidate's Muslim Heritage While Endorsing Rival Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.” (Nedra Pickler, “Kerrey Apologizes To Obama For Any Insult In Muslim Reference,” The Associated Press, 12/20/07)

“Kerrey Sent A Letter To Obama On Wednesday, Lauding The Illinois Senator's Qualifications To Be President And Saying That He Never Meant To Harm His Candidacy.” (Nedra Pickler, “Kerrey Apologizes To Obama For Any Insult In Muslim Reference,” The Associated Press, 12/20/07)

Sen. Clinton Apologized To Sen. Obama Over Comments Made By Her Campaign About His Past Drug Use:

“[C]linton Offered A Formal Apology To Sen. Barack Obama And Accepted The Resignation Of A Prominent Campaign Organizer Who Had Raised Questions About Her Rival's Use Of Drugs.” (Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz, “Clinton Apologizes To Obama Over Aide's Drug Remark,” The Washington Post, 12/14/07)

Sen. Clinton Apologized To Sen. Obama In Person At Reagan Airport. “Mrs. Clinton, a Democrat from New York, apologized to Mr. Obama on Thursday morning when they ran into each other at Reagan National Airport in Washington as they were both headed to Iowa for the last Democratic debate before the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses.” (Katharine Q. Seelye, “Apologies From The Heart (Of Darkness?),” The New York Times, 12/14/07)

NOTE: Sen. Clinton Co-Chairman Of The New Hampshire Campaign, Bill Shaheen, Was The Individual Who Made The Comments. “William Shaheen, a co-chairman of Mrs. Clinton's national and New Hampshire campaigns, told The Washington Post on Wednesday that the Republicans would probably go after Mr. Obama for having used marijuana and cocaine, indiscretions that he wrote about himself. Mr. Shaheen went on to suggest that Republicans would probably also question whether Mr. Obama ever shared drugs with others or was a dealer.” (Katharine Q. Seelye, “Apologies From The Heart (Of Darkness?),” The New York Times, 12/14/07)

Sen. Clinton’s Campaign Apologized About Inappropriate Emails Being Forwarded By Campaign Staff:

“A Volunteer Iowa County Coordinator For Hillary Rodham Clinton's Presidential Campaign Has Resigned After Forwarding A Chain E-Mail That Suggests Barack Obama Is A Muslim Who Wants To Destroy The United States By Being Elected To Its Highest Office.” (Nedra Pickler, “Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama Email,” The Associated Press, 12/6/07)

Clinton Campaign Manager Patti Solis Doyle: “There is no place in our campaign, or any campaign, for this kind of politics … A volunteer county coordinator made the mistake of forwarding an outrageous and offensive chain e-mail. This was wholly unauthorized and we were totally unaware of it.” (Nedra Pickler, “Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama Email,” The Associated Press, 12/6/07)

Danny Diaz
Republican National Committee (RNC)

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