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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

RNC Research Dept.: RNC Response To Senator Clinton's Comments On Iraq

“Not too long ago, Senator Clinton was speaking to the importance of winning in Iraq and providing our troops the resources they deserved. Now that polls show her losing ground, Candidate Clinton has decided to stand with instead of our men and women in uniform. Simply stated, the American people have no reason to trust Senator or Candidate Clinton on the issue of Iraq.”

-Danny Diaz, RNC Spokesperson


Bring 'Em Home

December 19, 2007
New York Daily News, Mouth Of The Potomac Blog
By Michael McAuliff on December 19, 2007 5:35 PM

Hillary Clinton just took what sounded like a bit of a step in explaining how quickly she’d bring troops home from Iraq.

“I think we can bring nearly everybody home certainly within a year if we keep at it and do it very steadily,” she told a questioner the Elkader, Iowa, opera house near the Wisconsin border.

It doesn’t sound like any huge change in her underlying position that the U.S. must leave some troops in Iraq for the long haul to provide force protection, training for Iraqis, help for the Kurds and to hunt Al Qaeda.

But “nearly everybody” doesn’t sound like it would leave all that many troops to do those things, and we’ve heard estimates that those missions could require tens of thousands of forces.

Adviser Howard Wolfson says the words are just a “very slight” strengthening of the rhetoric, and Clinton/s position remains unchanged.

- Michael McAuliff

Danny Diaz
Republican National Committee (RNC)

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