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Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Ad: Dorothy Rodham Talks About Hillary’s Values In New Ad Airing In Iowa

Dorothy Rodham, Hillary’s mom, talks about Hillary’s childhood and her lifelong commitment to helping others in a new ad airing in Iowa today. The 30-second spot, entitled "Dorothy" features Rodham saying, “I think she ought to be elected even if she weren’t my daughter.”

Watch the ad here:

Following is the script for the ad:

TV :30

DOROTHY RODHAM: What I would like people to know about Hillary is what a good person she is.

She never was envious of anybody—she was helpful. And she’s continued that with her adult life with helping other women.

She has empathy for other people’s unfortunate circumstances. I’ve always admired that because it isn’t always true of people.

I think she ought to be elected even if she weren’t my daughter.

HILLARY CLINTON: I’m Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.


Paid for by Hillary Clinton for

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