Campaign spam: Political flotsam and jetsam that pollutes email in boxes; of varying degrees of utility, often futility. If you have campaign spam or an actual thought to share, send it to campaignspam [at]

Monday, December 17, 2007


We’ve got a new ad going up today highlighting Hillary’s endorsement by the Des Moines Register. Watch the ad:

A 60-second companion radio ad also begins airing today.

Following is the ad script:

“Great Things”


ANNCR: The Des Moines Register just endorsed Hillary Clinton

ANNCR: Her readiness to lead sets her apart

ANNCR: From working for children’s rights as a young lawyer, to meeting with leaders around the world as first lady, to emerging as an effective legislator, every stage of her life has prepared her for the presidency.

ANNCR: She understands the changes needed

ANNCR: But also possess the discipline and skill to get things done

ANNCR: We believe Hillary Rodham Clinton can do great things for our country

CLINTON : I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

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