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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

RICHARDSON: New Richardson Ad Draws Clear Distinctions on Iraq Policy

New Richardson Ad Draws Clear Distinctions on Iraq Policy
For Immediate Release
December 19, 2007
Contact: Tom Reynolds

MANCHESTER, NH-- Continuing in its effort to reestablish Iraq as the critical issue in this election, the Richardson for President campaign today released a new ad in Iowa and New Hampshire entitled "All Out." The ad points out the distinct policy differences between New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who supports withdrawing all U.S. forces and leaving no residual forces behind, and the other major Democratic Presidential candidates, who could not pledge to have all U.S. forces out of Iraq by 2013.

To watch the ad and read the accompanying background documents, click here.

"Iraq is the most important issue facing our country, but the national media and too many of my fellow candidates seem to have put it on the backburner," Governor Richardson said. "We can accomplish nothing on domestic issues, which the other candidates have shifted to, until we get all of our troops out of Iraq and actually end this war.

"There are serious policy differences in this race. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards could not pledge to have all of our troops out by 2013, five years from now. I will get all of them out within a year and leave no residual forces behind.

"I pledged early in this race to stay positive and debate the issues. This ad does not change that because in my mind, no other issue is more important than Iraq, and there are clear differences on where we stand.

"I am the only major candidate who will bring all of our troops home and end this war. Voters and caucus-goers deserve to know that there are clear policy distinctions between the candidates before deciding who should be the next President of the United States."

"All Out" was produced by Steve Murphy and Mark Putnam of Murphy Putnam Media.

The Richardson for President campaign also launched a new Web page today entitled "The Difference on Iraq." This page will provide voters and caucus-goers with additional information on the differences between the major Democratic Presidential candidates on the Iraq war. Click here to view the page.

Paid for by Richardson for President, Inc.

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