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Thursday, December 13, 2007

statement: response to Democratic presidential candidates debate in Iowa

Good afternoon, folks-

Please consider this response to the Democratic presidential candidates debate this afternoon in Johnston, Iowa

“A day after the Republicans debated, the Democrats have taken to the very same stage and offered a very different vision for where they would like to take this nation. Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and their fellow Democrats have designed a course for our country that would lead to higher taxes, more government spending and ultimately an America whose standing would be weaker around the globe.

"Yesterday, Governor Romney spoke of a more optimistic vision for a stronger America with a stronger economy, stronger defense and stronger families. It is a vision that calls for lower taxes, spending restraint and conservative change in Washington. On January 3rd, the people of Iowa will go to the caucuses and begin the process of rejecting the Democrats and their agenda that would take America in the wrong direction."

-Kevin Madden, Romney for President campaign spokesman

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