Wonder if Senator Clinton would consider the below comments by her super-surrogate Bob Kerrey as “compliments?”
Student Concerns Remind Kerrey Of Off Color Nun Joke. “[A]t Kerrey’s urging, [the drama students] began to talk about themselves. “Most [students] listed their frustrations. They had no place to store props. It was too hard to take classes in other divisions. There was nowhere to rehearse. Kerrey listened quietly, and, finally, said he was reminded of a story. It turned out to be a joke about some nuns, the punch line of which was delivered by the mother superior: ‘Well! Bitch, bitch, bitch!’” (Elizabeth Kolbert, “Back To School; Senator Bob Kerrey Brings His Enigmatic Ways To New York,” The New Yorker, 3/5/01)
Kerrey Suggests Castro For Baseball Commissioner. “Nebraska Sen. Kerrey suggests Fidel Castro for baseball commissioner, explaining: ‘Cuba wants to get rid of a dictator, and baseball needs a dictator.’” (Ronald G. Shafer, “Weekly Report From WSJ Capital Bureau,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/20/97)
Kerrey Says Carnegie Hall Ceremony “Makes Me Feel Like We Should Be Sacrificing A Virgin.” “One day when I was with Kerrey, he invited me to sit in on a meeting that he was having with the university’s provost, Elizabeth Dickey, and other senior staff members. The first topic to be discussed was the program for Kerrey’s installation ceremony at Carnegie Hall. Kerrey looked over the program and announced, ‘The whole ceremony makes me feel like we should be sacrificing a virgin.’ The others laughed, somewhat nervously.” (Elizabeth Kolbert, “Back To School; Senator Bob Kerrey Brings His Enigmatic Ways To New York,” The New Yorker, 3/5/01)